Split ends occur when the cuticle of your hair – the outermost layer – becomes damaged. When the cuticle is damaged, it’s susceptible to cracking and splitting. This is when those annoying split ends appear, and your hair begins to look unhealthy. Here’s what you need to know to prevent split ends and how to fix them!
A Few Common Causes of Split Ends
Heat. Split ends occur when hair lacks moisture. If you use curling irons and flat irons often and without heat protectant, split ends will occur faster than without. Excessive sun exposure will have the same effect.
Chemicals. Using hair products with a lot of chemicals, or bleaching and dyeing your hair, will also increase the strain on your hair and dry it out faster, leading to split ends. This is why it’s vital to have your hair colored by a professional who uses high quality products. Your hair dresser will ensure that your hair is colored in the healthiest way possible.
Brushing. Brushing your hair when it is very tangled will also help breaking off your hair or splitting the ends. Avoid brushing your hair when it is wet because this can stretch out hair and weaken it. Detangle with your fingers first and gently run a brush through it.
Myths About Split Ends
If Your Hair is Frizzy, You Have Split Ends
Frizzy hair and split ends aren’t the same. Split ends are caused by dryness and are a physical trait of the hair. Frizzy hair is a matter of hair texture. You need to treat them differently.
Using Hair Oil Fixes Split Ends
Split ends are caused by dryness – when the natural oils from your scalp can’t reach the ends of your hair. Lots of people think the solution is adding hydration to the ends of the hair. While this helps to keep your hair moisturized, it won’t get rid of the split ends. Once the split occurs, nothing will be able to fix it.
A Trim Will Fix Split Ends
A hair cut is definetly the way to get rid of split ends. However, a little trim may not catch all of the splits in your cuticle. Some hair splits higher up on the hair shaft. Talk to your stylist about your hair damage. Your stylist will be able to recommend a cut and style that eliminates most of your split ends.
So what’s the best way to deal with split ends? It’s all about prevention and maintenance. Come in for consistent hair trims to catch splits right as they start. Keep hair hydrated to prevent breakage in the first place. Aveda has amazing cremes that will add hydration to your hair. We love Botanical Kinetics™ Intense Hydrating Rich Creme.
Ready to get rid of those split ends once and for all? Book your appointment at VICI Capilli Salons! Don’t forget to follow us on social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.