There’s a lot of really great info out there about hair. But with the good, there’s always a little bit of bad. You may believe some common misconceptions about hair, which means you might not be helping out your hair as much as you think. 1. You Can Repair Split Ends There are lots of… Read More
News VICÍ Salon & Spa

If you’re like us, you love mixing up your hairstyle. But always changing your hair color can be damaging and once you chop off your hair, you have to wait for it to grow before you can mix it up again. Who has the patience for that? There are small changes you can make that… Read More

It’s out there. We know it’s out there – terrible advice about your hair. Your best friend’s mom’s cousin might not know everything there is about hair so maybe you shouldn’t take her advice. And the internet, while it gives us hilarious cat videos, doesn’t always know how hair works. As a word of caution,… Read More

Sunshine has lots of amazing benefits. It helps your skin produce vitamin D, improves mood and can help clear up acne, psoriasis, and eczema. Too much sun exposure can damage your skin, though. Since summer is here and we want nothing more than to lie out on the beach or spend the day barbecuing, we… Read More

Cool blonde colors are in this season, but if you’re not maintaining your hair properly, your color could turn brassy. Brassy blonde colors tend to have unwanted warmth in them, like an extra orange or yellow hue. If your hair is starting to turn, there are ways to save it. Why Your Hair Turned Brassy… Read More

A few terms have been floating around the beauty industry that may have you confused. Co-washing? Cleansing conditioners? What exactly is this latest hair washing trend? We’ll explain it all and what our favorite cleansing conditioner is! Co-Washing Means No Shampoo Co-washing, short for conditioner washing, is the act of washing your hair without any… Read More

We’re ready for spring – warm weather, sandals and blonde hair. With the changing seasons comes changing hair trends and we’ve picked our favorite blonde looks we can’t wait to create this spring. Yellow and brassy tones are fun, but this spring we’re in love with cool blonde tones. Cool blondes create dimension and shading.… Read More

Bright blue, hot pink and fiery red are gorgeous hair colors, but like all bright colors, you need to understand the journey you’re about to embark on before you go bold. Bright colors are much different than natural hair colors like blondes and brunettes. Here’s what you need to know before you totally transform your… Read More

Spring is right around the corner, and most of us are thinking about the foods that will help us look and feel our best once we drop the winter coats. But at VICI Capilli, we want you thinking about which foods you should snack on for the healthiest hair. A lot contributes to beautiful hair,… Read More

When you’re walking through the convenience store picking up eggs, cotton balls and lotion, it can be tempting to swing by the boxed dye isle and grab a buy one, get one free ash blonde color. But beware – the beautiful color you see outside the box may not be all it’s cracked up to… Read More